Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Matrix

The story of Neo's life in "The Matrix" can be compared to many similar characters through out history. A well based comparison can be that of Neo and the epic story of Jesus. Both endure similar trials and tribulations before embracing their calling. Although they both understand their mission they are full of doubt early in their development. Both eventually realize that they do serve an important purpose and that they are in fact capable of succeeding in there mission.
Another similar character is Socrates. Much like Neo he also questions his calling and is filled with doubt as to if he truly is the right person for the job. They both encounter an oracle that provides if not answers to silence their doubt, at least a point in the right direction. In a sense maybe not answers but more so the right questions. Both are weighed with the burden saving and enlightening their people.
One of Socrates best known works regarding enlightenment is "The Allegory of the Cave". Much like "The Matrix" it deals with the search for the truth. The mere idea of a bigger picture can be shocking to someone who knows and believes only what they have seen. To be able to think outside the box and consider that there is more going on then what you know and see is in a sense like walking out of the cave into the light. At this point the question of being able to accept this new knowledge is what makes the difference. You can choose to step back into ignorance and deny that there is more then what you know or you can embrace this new concept and use it to progress, in essence the choice between "the red and blue pill" as illustrated in "The Matrix".
The film itself is a direct commentary on how we accept what is presented to us through the media or how we can seek out our own answers as to what is going on around us. So much of our day to day lives relies on how we view the world we live in. If we are to only follow as told we have accepted our lives in "The Matrix" and are content with the guidelines we have been given. This however does not leave room for forming your own views and opinions. If we choose to question or look further into the information we are provided with we may be shocked at what we find. In the end isn't it better to know then to just follow blindly tho?

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