Sunday, November 8, 2009

Essay 3.1

It is sometimes difficult to distinguish the difference between experiences that are real and unreal. The study of deciphering the two is referred to as metaphysics. This is a method of categorizing certain aspects and traits to determine if they are based in reality or merely an imaginary simulation of the senses.
There are two very important factors you must consider when reviewing the difference between real and unreal. These are the source of ontological status of whatever is in question. Ontological status refers to it's dependency on something else to exist. Source refers to what caused it to come into being. By being able to backtrack the source you should be able to better understand what it depends on for it's existence. Something that is real can function on it's own and needs no source to derive itself from. On the other hand something that is unreal can be traced to being dependent on a source to exist. Gracia and Sanford argue that "the unreal world has a weaker ontological status because it depends on things in the real world for it's existence." (p.62) A prime example is "The Matrix". It is a false reality created by machines in the real world and depends on programs and signals to operate. When you dream, although at the moment things may seem real they are only because you are relating them too things you recognize in the real world. In essence those dreams are dependant on the real world.
Knowing the source of what you encounter is key to recognizing the unreal from the real. Gracia and Sanford state "We experience various simulations in our dreams and in different types of hallucinations; we designate the entities encountered in such experiences as not being real; we are confronted with other phenomena about which we wonder whether they really are as they appear to be; and we are affected in our real lives as much by fact as by fictions". (p.65) Although a dream can seem to be real it is only because it has it's basis in reality. This however can lead us to recognize things from dreams in the real world. This does not mean the dream is the source though.
The real world is independent. Gracia and Sanford state "One way of determining ontological status is in terms of dependence." (p.61) We recognize the real world because we can not track it's source. It functions on it's own and does not need delegation from an outside source. This is why we can use it as a reference source in determining what is unreal. In order for you to recognize something in the unreal world you would have to had encountered it in reality at some point and remembered it. Everything in the real world has an effect on you and registers in the mind . This is how it is possible for you to even examine the unreal world and categorize it metaphysically. If you can brake down somethings source in essence it is unreal.

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